If you’re renovating your home or building a new house, then you would have come across the term casement windows. These are a particular style of windows that are mounted on side hinges and pivot open and close when an internal crank is moved.
Let’s take a look at the top benefits of casement windows. They open out fully. No other style of window opens as far as casement windows. This is highly beneficial if you’re looking to cross ventilate your home.
Casement windows make use of far fewer muntins when compared to other types of windows. Muntins are strips of wood, fiberglass or metal that surrounds the glass panes in a window. Casement uPVC windows have very fewer muntins, thereby offering you an unhindered view of the wide, open outdoors.
If it’s a view that you’re aiming for, then casement windows do the job better when compared to all other styles of windows. Single sash casement windows have zero muntins and give you the best view.
One reason why people are hesitant to choose casement windows is that they falsely believe that if offers poor security. On the contrary, casement windows are tough to break into and come equipped with hook-shaped locks, which are firmly attached to the window frame. This makes then unreachable, and hence they offer better security. Contact a reputed Casement Windows Manufacturer to find the best type of casements that suits the specifications of your home accurately.